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Arrays Python

In Python, arrays are a data structure that can hold multiple elements of the same data type, making them homogeneous. This means that all elements in an array must be of the same type, which allows for more efficient memory usage compared to lists. Arrays in Python are implemented using the array module, which provides a thin wrapper around C language arrays, enabling them to consume less memory than Python lists 2.

You can create an array using the array module by specifying the type code that indicates the data type of the elements. For example, to create an integer array, you would use the following code:

import array
a = array.array('i', <sup>1</sup><sup>2</sup><sup>3</sup>)

Arrays are also resizable, similar to lists, but they maintain their homogeneity. This means you cannot mix data types within the same array, which would result in a TypeError if attempted 2.

If you’re interested in more advanced array manipulations, you might want to explore NumPy, a powerful library that provides extensive functionalities for working with arrays in Python 5.

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