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Behavior-Driven vs Test-Driven Development & Using Regex in Python | Real Python Podcast #239

 Real Python

What is behavior-driven development, and how does it work alongside test-driven development? How do you communicate requirements between teams in an organization? Christopher Trudeau is back on the sh...

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Explaining Transformers as Simple as Possible through a Small Language Model

 Towards AI

And understanding Vector Transformations and Vectorizations Continue reading on Towards AI

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Go for Pythonistas: What You Need to Know


💡 Learn how to design great software in 7 steps: Python is powerful but has its quirks—like imports and dependency issues. What if there was a faster, simpler alterna...

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Learn Python

▶️ Basic Functions
Syntax | Variables | Conditions | Data Types | Numbers | Strings | Formatting | Operators | Generators | Decorators | Functions | Lists | Tuples | Sets | Dictionaries | Parameters | Arguments | Arrays | Linked Lists | Hash Tables | Binary Search Trees | Recursion | Sorting Algorithms | Exception Handling | Serialization 

🚀 Advanced Functions
RegEx | Decorators | Lambdas | Iterators | Classes | Inheritance | Methods | List Comprehensions | Generator Expressions | PyPi | PIP | Conda

💠 Frameworks
Django | Flask | CherryPy | Bottle | Dash | | PyTest | Scrapy | PyScript

🗂 Libraries
TensorFlow | Scikit-Learn | Numpy | Keras | PyTorch | SciPy | Pandas | Theano | Seaborn | OpenCV | Bokeh | Matplotlib | Plotly | BeautifulSoup | SymPy | Pillow

🧰 Other Tools
Selenium | PyCharm | PyTest | Jupyter Notebook | FakerPyGame | Tkinter 


Learn Data Science

▶️ Basics
Linear Algebra | Databases | Tabular Data | Time Series | Extract, Transform, Load | Data Formats | Regular Expressions | Important libraries |

💻 Programming languages for Data Science
SQL | R | Python

🐍 Python for Data Science
Syntax | Variables | Data Types | Functions | Numbers | Operators | Important libraries

🔁 Data Sources
Data Mining | Web scraping | Public Data Sets

📊 Exploratory Data Analysis
Principal Component Analysis | Dimensionality Reduction | Normalization | Data Cleaning | Estimators | Feature Extraction | Sampling

🔢 Statistics
Probability Theory | Continuous Distribution | Summary Statistics | Estimation | Hypothesis Testing | Confidence Interval | Monte Carlo Methods

📈 Data Visualization + tools
Storytelling | Charts | Dashboards | Power BI | Tableau | R | Dash | Seaborn | Matplotlib | Bokeh | Plotly


Learn Machine Learning

Learn Deep Learning