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R is a powerful and popular open-source programming language and environment primarily used for statistical computing and data visualization. It is widely recognized in the fields of data science and machine learning, making it a go-to choice for statisticians, analysts, and data scientists who need to analyze and visualize data effectively.

R allows users to write scripts, execute commands, and create graphics, which can be displayed on-screen or saved to files. It supports both interactive and batch processing modes, enabling users to explore data in real-time or run pre-written scripts for analysis. The R console is the most common interface for beginners, providing a straightforward way to start coding in R.

Additionally, R has a strong community and ecosystem, supported by organizations like the R Consortium, which aims to promote the language and assist its user community 4. This collaborative environment fosters the development of numerous packages and tools that enhance R’s capabilities for various applications.

What is R

Last Updated on August 22, 2019 R is perhaps one of the most powerful and most popular platforms for statistical programming and applied machine learning. When you get serious about machine learning, ...

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Why R? Foundation 2022-01-05 10:18:19


On Thursday, March 18th at 7 pm UTC | 8 pm CET, as part of the Why R? Webinar series, we have the honour to host David Gohel, from the Founder of ArData author of R packages, such ... Continue reading...

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Why R? Foundation 2022-01-05 10:18:19


On Thursday, February 25th at 7 pm UTC | 8 pm CET, as part of the Why R? Webinar series, we have the honour to host Paul Bürkner, Junior Research Group Leader at the Cluster of Excellence SimTech at t...

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Looks like this R thing might be for real

 Simply Statistics

Not sure how I missed this, but the Linux Foundation just announced the R Consortium for supporting the “world’s most popular language for analytics and data science and support the rapid growth of th...

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R in Government


How to join this free online event with Luíza Andrade, Karly Harker, Ahmadou Dicko and Pablo Tiscornia. In this community call, our panelists will share their experiences and examples of projects with...

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What is R Programming Language & How To Set Up R-Development Environment On AWS(Amazon Web…


R is a programming language and software environment commonly used for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphical representation. It was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the Univ...

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Why R? Foundation (Liquidation) 2023-12-17 16:24:42


On Thursday, March 18th at 7 pm UTC | 8 pm CET, as part of the Why R? Webinar series, we have the honour to host David Gohel, from the Founder of ArData author of R packages, such ... Continue reading...

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Next — Today I learnt About R


What is Next? A short and sweet curated collection of R-related works. Five stories. Four packages. Three jargons. Two tweets. One Meme. You can subscribe by providing your details here. Promise, no s...

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How to Create A Neural Network Using R

 Analytics Vidhya

What is R? R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing…

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An Introduction to R

Last Updated on August 15, 2023 R is a programming language of its kind. It is a language for statistics, and its ecosystem has a lot of libraries for all kinds of statistical tasks. It is a language ...

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Welcome to R Works!


Artwork by @allison_horst This is a heartfelt welcome to all members of the R community, from long-time readers of R Views to those just joining us. For years, R Views served as a source of resources,...

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What is R Programming Language & How To Set Up R-Development Environment On GCP(Google Cloud…


R is a programming language and software environment commonly used for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphical representation. It was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the Univ...

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