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Data types Python

In Python, data types are classifications that determine the kind of value a variable can hold and what operations can be performed on that value. Python has a variety of built-in data types, which can be broadly categorized into several groups.

  1. Numeric Types: This includes integers (int), floating-point numbers (float), and complex numbers (complex). Integers can be positive or negative whole numbers without any limit on their size. Floats represent real numbers and can include decimal points, while complex numbers are represented in the form of a real part and an imaginary part (e.g., 23 + 24i) 12.

  2. Sequence Types: These include strings (str), lists, tuples, and ranges. Strings are sequences of characters, while lists are ordered collections that can hold mixed data types. Tuples are similar to lists but are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed after creation 23.

  3. Mapping Type: The dictionary (dict) is a collection of key-value pairs, allowing for efficient data retrieval based on keys 2.

  4. Set Types: Sets are unordered collections of unique elements, which can be useful for membership testing and eliminating duplicate entries 2.

  5. Boolean Type: This type represents truth values, either True or False 2.

Python’s dynamic typing allows you to assign values to variables without explicitly declaring their types, making it flexible and easy to use 3.

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