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Sets Python

Sets in Python are a built-in data type that allows you to store collections of unique elements. They are similar to mathematical sets, where the order of elements does not matter, and duplicates are not allowed. Sets are defined using curly brackets {} or by using the set() constructor. For example, you can create a set of even numbers like this: even_numbers = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} or even_numbers = set(<sup>2</sup><sup>4</sup>[6][8][10]) 15.

One of the key features of sets is their mutability, meaning you can add or remove elements after the set has been created. However, the elements themselves must be of an immutable type, such as numbers, strings, or tuples. This means you cannot include lists or other sets as elements within a set 45.

Sets are particularly useful for operations that involve unique items, such as removing duplicates from a list or performing mathematical operations like unions and intersections 12. Overall, sets provide a powerful way to manage collections of data efficiently in Python.

Sets in Python

 Analytics Vidhya

In today’s article we will explore sets in Python. You must have learnt in your Math class about sets and if you remember a set is a collection of elements but today we will dig into the details of…

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Sets the Maths one — Python

 Analytics Vidhya

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