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CherryPy is a minimalistic web framework for Python that focuses on handling HTTP requests and routing them to the appropriate Python functions or methods based on the request’s URL. It is designed to be simple and lightweight, allowing developers to implement their application logic without the framework imposing additional features like database access or HTML templating. This gives developers the flexibility to choose the tools that best fit their needs 14.

To get started with CherryPy, you can create a basic application by saving a snippet of code in a file named and running it. Once the application is running, you can access it via your web browser at CherryPy also includes its own production-ready HTTP server, which means you can host your applications without needing an external server 13.

If you’re interested in more advanced features, CherryPy supports various backends and configurations, allowing for session management, static content serving, and more 45.



Basics The following sections will drive you through the basics of a CherryPy application, introducing some essential concepts. Contents Basics The one-minute application example Hosting one or more a...

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 CherryPy Documentation and Tutorials

Tutorials This tutorial will walk you through basic but complete CherryPy applications that will show you common concepts as well as slightly more advanced ones. Contents Tutorials Tutorial 1: A basic...

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Installation CherryPy is a pure Python library. This has various consequences: It can run anywhere Python runs It does not require a C compiler It can run on various implementations of the Python lang...

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 CherryPy Documentation and Tutorials

Basics The following sections will drive you through the basics of a CherryPy application, introducing some essential concepts. Contents Basics The one-minute application example Hosting one or more a...

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Tutorials This tutorial will walk you through basic but complete CherryPy applications that will show you common concepts as well as slightly more adavanced ones. Contents Tutorials Tutorial 1: A basi...

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 CherryPy Documentation and Tutorials

Installation CherryPy is a pure Python library. This has various consequences: It can run anywhere Python runs It does not require a C compiler It can run on various implementations of the Python lang...

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Foreword Why CherryPy? CherryPy is among the oldest web framework available for Python, yet many people aren’t aware of its existence. One of the reason for this is that CherryPy is not a complete sta...

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 CherryPy Documentation and Tutorials

Foreword Why CherryPy? CherryPy is among the oldest web framework available for Python, yet many people aren’t aware of its existence. One of the reason for this is that CherryPy is not a complete sta...

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Advanced CherryPy has support for more advanced features that these sections will describe. Contents Advanced Set aliases to page handlers RESTful-style dispatching The special _cp_dispatch method The...

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 CherryPy Documentation and Tutorials

Advanced CherryPy has support for more advanced features that these sections will describe. Contents Advanced Set aliases to page handlers RESTful-style dispatching The special _cp_dispatch method The...

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 CherryPy Documentation and Tutorials

Deploy CherryPy stands on its own, but as an application server, it is often located in shared or complex environments. For this reason, it is not uncommon to run CherryPy behind a reverse proxy or us...

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Deploy CherryPy stands on its own, but as an application server, it is often located in shared or complex environments. For this reason, it is not uncommon to run CherryPy behind a reverse proxy or us...

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