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Probability Theory

Probability theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the analysis of random events and uncertainty. It provides a framework for quantifying the likelihood of various outcomes, which is essential in fields such as artificial intelligence, statistics, and data science. The core concepts include random variables, probability distributions, and the rules governing the combination of probabilities.

A random variable is a variable whose value is determined by the outcome of a random phenomenon. For example, the result of a die roll can be represented as a random variable, with its possible values being the numbers 1 through 6. The set of these possible values is known as the variable’s support 2.

Probability theory is foundational for many machine learning methods, including linear regression and Bayesian regression. Understanding these concepts is crucial for effectively applying probabilistic models in real-world scenarios, where uncertainty and randomness are prevalent 12.

If you have specific questions or topics within probability theory that you would like to explore further, feel free to ask!

Probabiliy theory basics

 Towards Data Science

In this series I want to explore some introductory concepts from statistics that may occur helpful for those learning machine learning or refreshing their knowledge. Those topics lie at the heart of…

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 Machine Learning from Scratch Book

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 Machine Learning Glossary

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Probability concepts explained: Introduction

 Towards Data Science

An accessible introduction to basic concepts in probability theory. It starts defining what a random variable is and explains how to calculate probability for simple events.

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Foundations of Probability

 Towards Data Science

Sigma algebra is considered part of the axiomatic foundations of probability theory. The topic is briefly covered in Casella & Berger’s Statistical Inference. The need for sigma algebras arises out…

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Statistics and probability refresher

 Towards Data Science

From June 2020, I will no longer be using Medium to publish new stories. Please, visit my personal blog if you want to continue to read my articles: A foundation in statistics is…

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Beginner level probability and statistics

 Towards Data Science

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Probability Distribution

 Towards Data Science

I’m a data scientist for a mobile application. As a data scientist, you will often draw a random sample from the population to conduct experiments or analyses. With the random sample, you make…

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Statistics #04 — Introduction to Probability

 Towards Data Science

Today, we’ll talk about probability. If you are starting your studies in statistics, or if you just want to recall some basic concepts, this series is for you! For instance, when you check the…

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Probability concepts explained: Rules of probability (introduction part 2)

 Towards Data Science

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 Towards Data Science

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Probability Part 2: Conditional Probability

 Towards Data Science

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