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Sorting algorithms python

Sorting algorithms are essential in computer science for arranging items in a specific order, which can be ascending or descending based on user preference. In Python, there are several sorting algorithms available, each with its own advantages and use cases.

Common sorting algorithms include Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and Heap Sort, which are popular for their efficiency in handling large datasets. Additionally, Python provides an inbuilt function called sorted(), which can sort any iterable efficiently using Tim Sort, a hybrid sorting algorithm derived from Merge Sort and Insertion Sort 25.

Understanding the characteristics of these algorithms, such as their runtime complexity and memory usage, is crucial for selecting the right one for a specific application. For example, while Quick Sort is generally faster for average cases, Merge Sort is stable and works well for linked lists.

If you’re interested in implementing these algorithms in Python, there are numerous resources and examples available to guide you through the process 14.

Sorting Algorithms in Python

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