Big Databases
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Relational databases serve the critical role of persisting data in many Python applications.
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Intro Choosing between common database solutions can be tough. In this writing, I will be sharing how to choose which database to use for a specific real-world case, give introductory information on h...
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Databases form the backbone of modern application development. They play a vital role in storing, managing, and retrieving data, enabling applications and services to function effectively. As applicat...
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While we design a large scale system, the database is one of the core parts we have to take into consideration. Designing the table scheme is not just what we are looking for. We may have to spend…
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📝 Editorial The history of the software industry has been the history of data infrastructure. Each relevant technology trend in the last five decades has been accompanied by incremental progress in d...
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Companies out there use different types of databases to store all the information they collected throughout the years. Although all these databases might seem the same, they have some functionalities…...
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Django officially supports the following databases: PostgreSQL MariaDB MySQL Oracle SQLite There are also a number of database backends provided by third parties . Django attempts to support as many f...
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A database is a collection of structured information stored so it can be easily accessed and updated. In a computer system, databases are commonly accessed through a database management system, referr...
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TL; DR: See how we can use Vagrant to build and configure a big data development environment that’s small enough to fit into your laptop. Fire up this environment in one line of code. Get to grips…
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Overview In this project, we will process massive datasets by loading them directly into memory, enabling faster analysis than traditional methods. By leveraging in-memory processing , we can efficien...
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Today, there are tons of databases developed by companies according to their needs. Depending on the type, structure, data model, data store, and intended use case of the data, different systems are…
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Databases DB-API The Python Database API (DB-API) defines a standard interface for Python database access modules. It’s documented in PEP 249 . Nearly all Python database modules such as sqlite3 , psy...
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