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Requiring multiple upper bounds extends A B

 Essential Java

You can require a generic type to extend multiple upper bounds. Example: we want to sort a list of numbers but Number doesn’t implement Comparable . public <T extends Number & Comparable<T void sortNu...

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OverFlow and UnderFlow

 Essential Java

Float data type The float data type is a single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point. Float overflow Maximum possible value is 3.4028235e+38 , When it exceeds this value it produces Infinity float...

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Testing Beyond Infinity

 Level Up Coding

This article will talk about an approach that can help customers run integration and regression tests quicker and cheaper to improve the CI/CD process. Let us consider a scenario where the developer…

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What’s the Difference Between an Aggregate and a Bounded Context

 Level Up Coding

Domain Driven Design — or DDD — is a software design methodology popularized by Eric Evans. DDD focuses on domains; that is, subject areas within an organization, coupled with the experts of those…

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Bounded Clustering

 Towards Data Science

A clustering algorithm for bounded sized clusters.

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Python’s Limits

 Python in Plain English

Most of us will never test these limits but it is good to be aware of them Continue reading on Python in Plain English

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Basics of Bounding Boxes

 Analytics Vidhya

A bounding box in essence, is a rectangle that surrounds an object, that specifies its position, class(eg: car, person) and confidence(how likely it is to be at that location). Bounding boxes are…

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The overflow property controls what happens to content that spills, or overflows, outside its box. The most commonly used values are: hidden When set to this value, any content that overflows will be ...

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Creating a Bounded Generic Class

 Essential Java

You can restrict the valid types used in a generic class by bounding that type in the class definition. Given the following simple type hierarchy: public abstract class Animal { public abstract String...

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Unbounded Knapsack — Pattern

 Python in Plain English

Unbounded Knapsack — Pattern Discrete & repeated selection of item Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash Unlike the 0/1 Knapsack problem, in an unbounded Knapsack, we are allowed to use an unlimited numb...

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 Essential Java

The ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown when a non-existing index of an array is being accessed. Arrays are zero-based indexed, so the index of the first element is 0 and the index of the last el...

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Basics of Big O Notation

 Analytics Vidhya

If you desire to work as software engineer for a great company and you are looking for a medium/senior job, it is inevitable to face some algorithms assignments and also face a common question during…...

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Strengthen bounded type parameters

 Essential Java

Bounded type parameters allow you to set restrictions on generic type arguments: class SomeClass { } class Demo<T extends SomeClass { } But a type parameter can only bind to a single class type. An in...

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The Big O Notation

 Towards Data Science

7 Time Complexities that every Programmer and Data Scientist should know - hands on Python examples, no mathematical jargon & a cheat sheet for you to keep!

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Understanding Big O notation

 Python in Plain English

Understanding Big O using python | Big O notation | Programming | Python | Python 3 | Time complexity | Space Complexity | Program execution time

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What is Overflow?

 Level Up Coding

Overflow is often spoken about, but without some basic understanding of what is going on, how do you expect to avoid those annoying errors? Compiler: A program that converts instructions into a…

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Introduction to Basic Asymptotic Analysis


Asymptotic analysis is a fundamental concept in the study of algorithms and computational complexity. It provides a way to describe the efficiency of an algorithm in terms of its input size, helping d...

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How to Deal with Infinity in Python

 Towards Data Science

There is a variety of ways in which we can represent infinity in Python. We will discuss three of the most popular ones: math.inf, numpy.inf and float('inf').

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Understanding Big-O Notation

 Better Programming

The Big-O notation measures the worst-case complexity of an algorithm. In Big-O notation, n represents the number of inputs. The question asked with Big-O is this: “What will happen as n approaches…

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Big O Notation

 Analytics Vidhya

In previous blog we have seen why we can not use “time to run” as an objective measurement. Because that will depend on the speed of the computer itself and hardware capabilities. So we will need to…

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Big O Notation

 Level Up Coding

In my previous Big O Notation blogs, we discussed Time and Space Complexity and looked at algorithms as a whole. Now we are going to take it a step further and look at Big O and how it relates to…

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Big O Notations and Its Examples in Python

 Analytics Vidhya

In Previous blog we have seen why Big O notations are used and various types of Big O notations. Now we will dive deep into three type of big o notation with its example python code. The simplest Big…...

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22 Things I Never Knew About Python Until Recently (Compilation)

 Python in Plain English

Despite working with Python since 2017 Continue reading on Python in Plain English

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What is beyond our model?

 Towards Data Science

For a long time and especially in our exploration stage in the field of machine learning challenges, we focused on the search for a model that, starting from the data in a particular state, can act…

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