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 Essential Java

Versions [{“Name”:“Java SE 1.1”,“GroupName”:null},{“Name”:“Java SE 1.2”,“GroupName”:null},{“Name”:“Java SE 1.3”,“GroupName”:null},{“Name”:“Java SE 1.4”,“GroupName”:null},{“Name”:“Java SE 5”,“GroupName...

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 Essential Java

Introduction The BufferedReader class is a wrapper for other Reader classes that serves two main purposes: A BufferedReader provides buffering for the wrapped Reader . This allows an application to re...

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How To Read Text File With BufferedReader In Java


BufferedReader class is one of the most used when it comes to read Text files in Java.This class provides methods that can read characters from input stream. As name says it buffers read characters he...

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StringWriter Example

 Essential Java

Java StringWriter class is a character stream that collects output from string buffer, which can be used to construct a string. The StringWriter class extends the Writer class. In StringWriter class, ...

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File ReadWrite Using FileInputStreamFileOutputStream

 Essential Java

Write to a file test.txt: String filepath ="C:\\test.txt"; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(filepath); byte[] buffer = "This will be written in test.txt".getBytes(); fos.w...

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Pitfall - Small reads writes on unbuffered streams are inefficient

 Essential Java

Consider the following code to copy one file to another: import*; public class FileCopy { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(a...

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 Essential Java

Introduction Introduction to Java StringBuffer class.

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Reading a file using BufferedInputStream

 Essential Java

Reading file using a BufferedInputStream generally faster than FileInputStream because it maintains an internal buffer to store bytes read from the underlying input stream. import

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String Buffer class

 Essential Java

Key Points :- used to created mutable (modifiable) string. Mutable :- Which can be changed. is thread-safe i.e. multiple threads cannot access it simultaneously. Methods :- public synchronized StringB...

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I/O Streams, Readers, and Writers

 Introduction to Programming Using Java

Section 11.1 I/O Streams, Readers, and Writers W ithout the ability to interact with the rest of the world, a program would be useless. The interaction of a program with the rest of the world is refer...

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Basic Usage - Write Data to the Buffer

 Essential Java

Given a ByteBuffer instance one can write primitive-type data to it using relative and absolute put . The striking difference is that putting data using the relative method keeps track of the index th...

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PrintWriter is a class in Java that is used for writing text in readable form. It is a part of the package and provides convenient methods for writing different types of data (like strings , n...

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Stream vs WriterReader API

 Essential Java

Streams provide the most direct access to the binary content, so any InputStream / OutputStream implementations always operate on int s and byte s. // Read a single byte from the stream int b = inputS...

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CASE STUDY: Reading and Writing Text Files

 Java Java Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving

Section 11.3 CASE STUDY: Reading and Writing Text Files Let’s write a GUI application that will be able to read and write data to and from a text file. To do this, we will need to develop a set of met...

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Writing a file using Channel and Buffer

 Essential Java

To write data to a file using Channel we need to have the following steps: First, we need to get an object of FileOutputStream Acquire FileChannel calling the getChannel() method from the FileOutputSt...

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Writing bytes to an OutputStream

 Essential Java

Writing bytes to an OutputStream one byte at a time OutputStream stream = object.getOutputStream(); byte b = 0x00; stream.write( b ); Writing a byte array byte[] bytes = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }; str...

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Writing a file using PrintStream

 Essential Java

We can use PrintStream class to write a file. It has several methods that let you print any data type values. println() method appends a new line. Once we are done printing, we have to flush the Print...

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InputStreams and OutputStreams

 Essential Java

Syntax int read(byte[] b) throws IOException Remarks Note that most of the time you do NOT use InputStream s directly but use BufferedStream s, or similar. This is because InputStream reads from the s...

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Wrapping InputOutput Streams

 Essential Java

OutputStream and InputStream have many different classes, each of them with a unique functionality. By wrapping a stream around another, you gain the functionality of both streams. You can wrap a stre...

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 Essential Java

Introduction The ByteBuffer class was introduced in java 1.4 to ease working on binary data. It’s especially suited to use with primitive type data. It allows the creation, but also subsequent manipul...

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Files and Streams: Input/Output Techniques

 Java Java Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving

Chapter 11 Files and Streams: Input/Output Techniques \begin{textblock}{1}(4.5,25) \begin{minipage}{40pc} \secCOBH{Objectives} After studying this chapter, you will Objectives Be able to read and writ...

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Writing files

 Essential Java

Files can be written bite- and line-wise using the Files class Path p2 = Paths.get("/home/testuser/File.txt"); List<String lines = Arrays.asList( new String[]{"First line", "Second line", "Third line"...

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Basics of Non-Blocking IO — Buffers


NIO Buffers is the basic building block for the overall implementation of the non-blocking I/O. In this blog, I will cover the behavior of Buffers. In subsequent blogs, I will cover how File and…

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String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer: A Complete Guide

 Level Up Coding

String-Interview-Questions Know text/string manipulation classes in java, how, and when to use them. Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash When it comes to text/string manipulation developers think of...

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