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CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment, which are essential practices in modern software development. Continuous Integration (CI) involves the automation of code integration from multiple developers into a shared repository. This process ensures that code changes are automatically built and tested, allowing for early detection of issues. Version control systems like Git are commonly used to manage these changes effectively.

Continuous Delivery (CD) refers to the automated process of delivering code to various stages of testing and development. It ensures that the software can be reliably released at any time. Continuous Deployment takes this a step further by automatically deploying code to production once it passes all automated tests, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

The adoption of CI/CD practices has significantly improved the efficiency and security of software development, enabling teams to deliver updates and new features more rapidly and reliably 124.

CICD Pipeline


The CICD Pipeline is the combination of continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of software development and application deployment. CI (Continuous Integration) is the automation process for d...

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9 Reasons Why You Should Use CICD


Continuous integration has become incredibly helpful and popular in the last few years. Many companies have begun to use it as a means of shipping code in minutes and making sure everything electronic...

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 Full Stack Python

GoCD is a continuous integration (CI) server often used to automatically build and test Python applications.

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The Road to CI/CD

 Better Programming

Remember those days when CI/CD was something developers did because they hated manual, repetitive work? Fast-forward to now and CI/CD is an industry-wide best practice that’s on top of every IT…

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Basics of CI/CD

 Level Up Coding

Have you ever wondered what is CI/CD exactly? I'm explaining this to you in the article.

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 Software Architecture with C plus plus

Unlike FluxCD, it offers a broader choice of tools to use. This might be useful if you're already using Jsonnet or Ksonnet for your configuration. Like FluxCD, it integrates with Prometheus and featur...

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Elegant CICD with Databricks notebooks

 Towards Data Science

Notebooks are the primary runtime on Databricks from data science exploration to ETL and ML in production. This emphasis on notebooks calls for a change in our understanding of production quality…

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The Ultimate Guide for the ICPC

 Better Programming

I’m by no mean a top coder or a world finalist. I just wanted to share the resources I found helpful, and if you follow them, hopefully, you will be an ICPC world finalist. I really like competitive…

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CI/CD Ingredients for Success

 Better Programming

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is a staple of any software house worth it's salt. It is a practice that has become so foundational in the industry that many of us can no…

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The Results of a Comparison Between 5 CI/CD Services

 Better Programming

Last week, I wrote five different articles about CI/CD services. In each article, I took this Node application and deployed it to AWS with a different CI/CD service. See the individual posts below…

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State of CD Report 2022 Review

 Level Up Coding

If you are working in the software or IT industry, you may have come across the terms continuous integration and continuous delivery, or even better, you practice it daily! Now the CD foundation has…

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CI/CD: The Essential Minimum for Every Developer


As you progress in your career as a developer, the business starts expecting skills typical of a T-shaped professional (T-shaped skills). This means it’s no longer enough to just write clean and effic...

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