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Categorical Variables

 Kaggle Learn Courses

In this tutorial, you will learn what a **categorical variable** is, along with three approaches for handling this type of data. Introduction A **categorical variable** takes only a limited number of ...

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Categorical Variable Encoding Techniques

 Analytics Vidhya

A categorical variable is one that has two or more categories (values). There are two types of categorical variable, nominal and ordinal. A nominal variable has no intrinsic ordering to its…

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Categorical Variable Regression using R

 Analytics Vidhya

Variables that classify observations into categories are categorical variables (also known as factors or qualitative variables). They have a limited number, called levels, of different value. The…

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Categorical data

 Pandas User Guide

Categorical data This is an introduction to pandas categorical data type, including a short comparison with R’s factor . Categoricals are a pandas data type corresponding to categorical variables in s...

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Categorical Data

 Towards Data Science

We covered various feature engineering strategies for dealing with structured continuous numeric data in the previous article in this series. In this article, we will look at another type of…

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How to Deal with Categorical Features for Machine Learning

 Analytics Vidhya

A categorical variable, as the name suggests, is used to represent categories or labels. For instance, a categorical variable could represent major cities in the world, the four seasons in a year, or…...

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What are categorical variables and how to encode them?

 Towards Data Science

In this article, we will explain what categorical variables are and we will learn the difference between different types of them. We will discuss: Finally, we will learn what are the best methods for…...

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Dealing with Categorical Data

 Analytics Vidhya

For Machine Learning — Multi-target Regression and Categorical Features Encoding

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Categorical variables: How to encode them and why?

 Analytics Vidhya

Categorical variables can be encoded either through ordinal (1, 2, 3, …) or one-hot (001, 010, 100, …) encoding schemes. For categorical variables that do not have any relevant ordering present, for…

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A guide to handling categorical variables in Python

 Towards Data Science

A guide on how to approach categorical variables for machine learning and data science purposes Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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One-Hot Encoding Categorical Variables — What is it? Why is it? How is it?

 Analytics Vidhya

A brief explanation of what are categorical variables, how to deal with them using One-Hot Encoding, and how to code them in just eleven lines of code in Python. Categorical Variables contain values…

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Encoding categorical variables as dummy variables

 Analytics Vidhya

This is a short article on the motivations and best practices in encoding categorical variables as dummy variables. Suppose you have a categorical variable such as eye color. This value could range…

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All about Categorical Variable Encoding

 Towards Data Science

Most of the Machine learning algorithms can not handle categorical variables unless we convert them to numerical values. Many algorithm’s performances vary based on how Categorical variables are…

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Encoding Categorical Data- The Right Way

 Towards AI

Photo from Unsplash by Icons8 Team Table of Contents · Types of Data ∘ Continuous Data ∘ Discrete Data ∘ Nominal Data ∘ Ordinal Data · How to Encode Categorical data? ∘ Ordinal Encoding ∘ Nominal Enco...

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Working with Categorical Predictors

 Analytics Vidhya

A comparison between Label Encoding and Binary Encoding, discussing appropriate usage of encoding techniques. The article mainly focuses on Label Encoder and get_dummies available within Pandas in Pyt...

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Machine learning on categorical variables

 Towards Data Science

At first blush, categorical variables aren’t that different from numerical ones. But once you start digging deeper and implement your machine learning (and preprocessing) ideas in code, you will stop…...

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Handling Categorical Data in R – Part 1


This is part 1 of a series on “Handling Categorical Data in R.” Almost every data science project involves working with categorical data, and we should know how to read, store, summarize, visualize & ...

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Handling Categorical Data, The Right Way

 Towards Data Science

Categorical data is simply information aggregated into groups rather than being in numeric formats, such as Gender, Sex or Education Level. They are present in almost all real-life datasets, yet the…

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Inference for Categorical Data

 Towards Data Science

chi-square tests; inference for categorical data; Goodness of Fit; Chi-square Distribution; Contingency Table Chi-square Test; Chi-square Test for Homogeneity; Chi-squared Test for Association;

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Encoding Categorical Variables in Machine Learning

 Towards Data Science

Categorical data needs to be handled in a special way to be used as a feature in a machine learning model. Before talking about this special way, it is better to talk about what categorical data is…

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Categorical Variables for Machine Learning Algorithms

 Towards Data Science

One-hot encoding in Python and on the data warehouse Photo by Burst on Unsplash While most machine learning algorithms only work with numeric values, many important real-world features are not numeri...

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Handling Categorical Data in R – Part 2


This is part 2 of a series on “Handling Categorical Data in R where we are learning to read, store, summarize, visualize & manipulate categorical data..” In part 1 of this series, we understood what c...

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Handling Categorical Data in R – Part 4


This is part 4 of a series on “Handling Categorical Data in R” where we are learning to read, store, summarize, reshape & visualize categorical data. Below are the links to the other articles of this ...

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Handling Categorical Data in R – Part 3


This is part 3 of a series on “Handling Categorical Data in R where we are learning to read, store, summarize, visualize & manipulate categorical data..” In part 1 and part 2 of this series, we unders...

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