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Feature Versioning

Feature versioning is a strategy that allows developers to manage and release new features in a controlled manner. This approach can be particularly useful in environments where continuous integration and deployment are practiced. By versioning features, teams can introduce new functionalities without disrupting the existing user experience or breaking compatibility with previous versions.

In feature versioning, each feature can be developed and released independently, often accompanied by its own version number. This allows for more granular control over the deployment process, enabling teams to roll out features to specific user groups or environments. It also facilitates easier testing and feedback collection, as users can interact with new features while the core application remains stable.

While feature versioning can enhance flexibility and responsiveness to user needs, it requires careful management to ensure that dependencies between features are handled appropriately. This approach can be combined with semantic versioning to provide a clear understanding of how new features impact the overall application.

Semantic Versioning

 Better Programming

Learn how to use Sematic Versioning (SimVer)

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Use semantic versioning

 Java Best Practices

Semantic versioning is a well-specified convention used by many software projects, although admittedly the extent to which the convention is followed can vary considerably between projects. In essence...

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Use semantic versioning

 Java Best Practices

Semantic versioning is a well-specified convention used by many software projects, although admittedly the extent to which the convention is followed can vary considerably between projects. In essenc...

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An Introduction to Semantic Versioning

 Level Up Coding

Semantic versioning is a system to help developers, project managers, and consumers have a universal way of understanding the release process. Semantic versioning is some guidelines so that we can…

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Application Versioning Strategies


There are many ways to version applications. Some of them appeared a long time ago and have little sense in web development. Nevertheless, they continue to be used. In this article, we will consider t...

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Versioning a system

 Analytics Vidhya

Whenever we need to do some API changes that are not backward compatible ie: request params/headers or response object’s structure is changed We don’t usually face many issues with the websites as we…...

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A Better Versioning Technique for Frontend Applications

 Better Programming

The healthy approach A little bit of story how did we got here. We’ve all been there at some point in time. App versions are simplified to just whole numbers and increment with every release… or not....

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Why Versioning Is Important and How To Do It Properly

 Better Programming

You might be wondering what a number on software, a game, or an application means. Something like 11.2.3 or maybe These are the numbers of the version that the application is currently…...

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Versioning and Labeling — Better Together

 Towards Data Science

The key to building powerful machine learning models is learning “the right things from the right data.” Just as we humans constantly take in new information and update what we think about the world…

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Releasing and versioning

 Python Packages

Previous chapters have focused on how to develop a Python package from scratch by creating the Python source code, developing a testing framework, writing documentation, and then releasing it online ...

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Data Versioning: All You Need to Know

 Towards Data Science

Introduction to Data Versioning with LakeFS command line. lakeFS introduces git-level manageability of your data and introduces CLI and UI interfaces to work with

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Maintaining the Quality of Your Feature Store

 Towards Data Science

Image by author The fundamentals of feature stores and a few tips on how and why you should monitor them Since Uber first introduced the concept in 2017, the feature store has been steadily gaining po...

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