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HDBSCAN, which stands for Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise, is a clustering algorithm that extends the capabilities of the traditional DBSCAN algorithm. It is designed to identify clusters of varying densities and can effectively handle noise in the data. Unlike DBSCAN, HDBSCAN does not require a predefined distance parameter (ε), allowing it to adaptively determine the density of clusters based on the data itself 5.

The algorithm operates by first constructing a hierarchy of clusters, which can be visualized as a dendrogram. This hierarchical structure allows for the identification of clusters at different levels of granularity. HDBSCAN focuses on larger, more significant clusters by using parameters such as minimum cluster size, which helps to filter out smaller, less relevant clusters 4.

HDBSCAN is particularly useful in real-world scenarios where data may not conform to spherical shapes or uniform densities. It is widely regarded as a valuable tool in the data science toolbox, especially for tasks involving complex datasets 23.

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 Towards Data Science

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A gentle introduction to HDBSCAN and density-based clustering

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