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Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is a powerful technique used for matrix factorization, particularly in the context of data analysis and dimensionality reduction. It decomposes a non-negative feature matrix ( V ) into two non-negative matrices ( W ) and ( H ). The matrix ( W ) represents the transformed data, while ( H ) contains the basis components. This method is particularly useful for extracting latent factors and underlying patterns that may not be immediately visible in the original data 45.

NMF is widely applied in various fields, including image processing, recommendation systems, and natural language processing. For instance, in recommendation systems, NMF can help identify user preferences based on collaborative filtering, allowing platforms like Netflix and Amazon to suggest content or products tailored to individual users 4. Additionally, NMF can be utilized for visualizing high-dimensional data, making it easier to interpret complex datasets 5.

If you have specific applications or aspects of NMF you would like to explore further, feel free to ask!



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