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Basic Concepts of OOP


I will use JAVA as the programming language and IntelliJ IDEA as the IDE.The concepts I…

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Object Oriented Design Principles

 Level Up Coding

Programming is the process of coding, testing, troubleshooting, debugging and maintaining a system. Programming principles help you to write quality of code and maintain a good coding practice. Find…

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Master the S.O.L.I.D Principles: The Foundation of Object Oriented Programming

 Level Up Coding

Overview In this post we will dissect five OOP (Object-oriented programming) principles meant to facilitate developers like yourself to write clear, mantainable and extendible OOP code. Undesrtanding ...

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SOLID Principles: OOP Fundamentals


Photo by James Lee from Unsplash The SOLID principles are five fundamental principles that make software development healthier, more sustainable, and more maintainable. They are a fundamental guide th...

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What Every Beginner Should Know About OOP

 Level Up Coding

Object-oriented programming is a programming model based on the concept of “objects”, which can contain data, in the form of fields, and code, in the form of procedures. A feature of objects is that…

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OOP Concepts Simplified

 Level Up Coding

Intro In this article, we’ll look at the core OOP concepts with real code examples, which will make it easier for you to understand the fundamentals. Before we dive into the concepts of OOP, let’s cl...

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Understanding OOP — The Real Way.


OOP is one of most fundamental software engineering paradigm that every Software Engineer must grasp when entering the Software Engineering world as a Java Programmer. Let it be any OOP based language...

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Principles of Object Oriented Programming

 Level Up Coding

First and foremost, what is object oriented programming (OOP)? Well, we open up Wikipedia do a quick search and voilà, we have our answer: Okay, but what does that mean? What’s a programming…

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What Your Teacher Does Not Teach You About OOP in School!

 Python in Plain English

OOP provides a robust framework for building software by modeling real-world entities and their interactions. However, schools often focus on the basics, leaving out advanced topics and practical appl...

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Introduction To OOP: Objects

 Level Up Coding

What is Object Oriented Programming? Object-oriented programming aims to implement real-world entities like objects. What are objects in OOP? Introduction To OOP: Objects This article was first publi...

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Introduction to OOP and its Advantages


Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that is based on the concept of “objects,” which can contain data and code that manipulates that data. This approach to programming is popul...

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Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts: Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance & Polymorphism

 Analytics Vidhya

‘Everything in python is an object’ is one of the line that every developers gets to hear. I have tried to explain four very important concepts in OOP in very simple terms with practical examples. I…

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5+1 Principles of the Object-Oriented Design

 Python in Plain English

These principles are important because they guarantee that the code written is understandable, flexible, and maintainable. SOLID is an acronym that stands for the five design principles when it comes…...

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Top 10 Best Practices that you should to Excel in OOP using Python

 Python in Plain English

Exceling in OOP is not just about knowing the theory but also about applying best practices to create high-quality software. This involves understanding how to design classes, manage instances, and us...

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Explain by Example: OOP

 Level Up Coding

Find out more about object oriented programming (OOP) by getting crafty with flowers.

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OOP explained in JAVA


Mastering OOP in JAVA Programing paradigms are approaches to write code, each with its own principles, concepts and guidelines. These paradigms guide how developers structure and organize their progr...

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SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Programming and Design

 Level Up Coding

A good software grows fast. On top of the current features, come finer, and more complex features. Design it poorly and before you know it you’re left with haywire of a codebase that’s hard to test…

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 Analytics Vidhya

An easy way to understand OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING or OOPS with a lot of real-world analogy and examples helping any beginner to get a stronghold of OOP

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OOP Concepts in Java


Java is a pure object-oriented programming (OOP) language. It deals with object creation using classes. The class has attributes and properties inside it.OOP concepts are needed to solve a large probl...

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Object-Oriented Programming and Java OOP Concepts


Object-oriented programming is a fundamental programming paradigm used by almost every developer. This is considered to be one of the most famous programming paradigms that is taught to a programmer a...

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Chapter 16 - Object-Oriented Programming and Inheritance

 Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python

16 Object-Oriented Programming and Inheritance Defining a function and calling it from several places saves you from having to copy and paste source code. Not duplicating code is a good practice, bec...

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The SOLID principles of Object Oriented Design

 Level Up Coding

In Object-oriented programming, SOLID is an acronym for the five basic principles to be kept in mind while designing the software to make it more flexible, understandable, and maintainable. When you…

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OOP: The Good, the Bad, and the Truth

 Python in Plain English

Is object-oriented programming (OOP) the best thing to happen to software engineering or the worst? Continue reading on Python in Plain English

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Object Oriented Programming Python 1: Introduction

 Python in Plain English

A. Definition and Concept Object-Oriented Programming, also known as OOP, is a programming paradigm that is based on the concept of “objects”. An object in OOP is an instance of a class that contains...

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