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The Angles From Which We See

 Towards Data Science

Imagine you are an artist and want to draw a house on a piece of paper. The essence of this task is to convert an object from a 3D world to a 2D plane. What we want is the best angle to draw the…

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Clustering Using OPTICS

 Towards Data Science

Clustering is a powerful unsupervised knowledge discovery tool used today, which aims to segment your data points into groups of similar features. However, each algorithm is pretty sensitive to the…

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Understanding OPTICS and Implementation with Python

 Towards Data Science

OPTICS stands for Ordering points to identify the clustering structure. It is a density-based unsupervised learning algorithm, which was developed by the same research group that developed DBSCAN. As…...

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Technology beyond the mirror

 Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine

We are surrounded by technology. Its importance in recent years has multiplied and It has become an important part of our lives. How has been our relationship with technology over the years?, Is…

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Computer Vision

 Towards Data Science

It has been well established and documented that the computational capabilities of computers far exceed that of human beings. Hence, since the middle of the 20th century, computation heavy activities…...

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Optical Flow

 OpenCV Tutorial

In this chapter, Optical Flow Optical flow is the pattern of apparent motion of image objects between two consecutive frames caused by the movement of object or camera. It is 2D vector field where eac...

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6. Photometry

 Astronomical Data in Python

This is the sixth in a series of notebooks related to astronomy data. As a continuing example, we will replicate part of the analysis in a recent paper, “ Off the beaten path: Gaia reveals GD-1 stars...

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8 Hows of Augmented Reality

 Towards Data Science

This article will examine the “Hows?” that empower the “Whys?” listed in my last post — 10 Whys of Augmented Reality. Highly recommend refreshing your memory with visual scenarios from the previous…

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Demo of OPTICS clustering algorithm

 Scikit-learn Examples

Demo of OPTICS clustering algorithm Finds core samples of high density and expands clusters from them. This example uses data that is generated so that the clusters have different densities. The OPTIC...

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The Depth I: Stereo Calibration and Rectification

 Python in Plain English

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about what is stereo camera and how we are using it for computer vision. By using the code I wrote for you, I will explain how we are calibrating the camera for…

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Computer Vision: The Present and Future

 Analytics Vidhya

Let’s start by thinking about how vision can be. Most people rely on it to prepare food, walk around obstacles, read street signs, watch videos, and do hundreds of tasks. Vision is the highest…

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How Computers See: Image Recognition and Medieval Pole Arms

 Towards Data Science

Death, they say, is the great equaliser. It comes for all of us eventually, and none of us escape its icy grasp. This was as true throughout history as it is today, but on a medieval battlefield I…

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Computer Vision: What, How, Why

 Analytics Vidhya

This is a simple guide to a complex topic in deep learning. In this article we will talk about what computer vision is, how it works, and why it matters.

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What’s Computer vision? (Eng)

 Analytics Vidhya

We are going to travel together through several articles the world of artificial intelligence in order to enlighten you on this opaque world. One of the underlayers of artificial intelligence that…

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Science Behind the Camera — Part 1

 Analytics Vidhya

An Engineers’ perspective of Camera design. To understand the science behind let’s try to build the camera from scratch. A device that can record the image of the physical objects in front of it that…...

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 Towards Data Science

We’ve discussed using cross-validation to help us with the selection process of picking the best algorithm for our problem. It is worth noting that with, say, five-fold cross-validation, we train and…...

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Augmented Reality


Augmented reality (AR) is a digitally enhanced real world experience provided through hardware. In many instances, AR provides an additional sensory experience to natural settings. A popular example o...

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What are Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters in Computer Vision?

 Towards Data Science

A detailed explanation of intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters with the help of visualizations. Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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Photography + Imaging — the Good, the Bad and the…Oh Dear!

 Towards AI

Part one of this three-part series reviewed the 190-year history of photography and it’s technical evolution thru early digital transformation. Part two covered a range of recent technical…

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Introduction to 3D Vision

 Towards Data Science

In the world of Computer Vision(CV), there are many interesting concepts. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks have largely dominated many CV tasks in the past decade. CNNs are able to perform better…

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8 Mind-Bending Optical Illusions (And What They Reveal About How Our Brains Work)

 Towards Data Science

Take this famous optical experiment as an example: Do the orange circles appear to be the same size to you? You aren’t alone if you think the circle on the right looks larger. In fact, most people…

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Panoramic Reconstruction.

 Analytics Vidhya

I hope you don’t expect a single shutter click to capture all of this beauty at once. Guess what? We can just click multiple images and combine them. That’s how we see the images of distant galaxies…

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All about images

 Analytics Vidhya

Everything we see around us is nothing but an Image. we capture them using our mobile camera. In Signal Processing terms, Image is a signal which conveys some information. First I will tell you about…...

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Angular and Bokeh

 Towards Data Science

We recently had the problem to display a chart figure of quality in an app or website. But additionally you want to be able to send update events from the python back-end and have all the nice…

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