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OpenCV, or Open Source Computer Vision Library, is a powerful cross-platform library designed for real-time computer vision applications. It primarily focuses on image processing, video capture, and analysis, including tasks such as face detection and object recognition. Originally developed by Intel in 1999, OpenCV has since gained support from various organizations, including Willow Garage, and is widely used in both academic and commercial settings.

The library supports multiple programming languages, including C++, Python, and Java, and is compatible with various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. OpenCV Python serves as a wrapper for the original C++ library, allowing seamless integration with NumPy, which is beneficial for numerical computations and data manipulation.

To get started with OpenCV, you can install it using package managers like pip for Python, and explore its extensive functionalities, including image operations, geometric transformations, and image filtering techniques 135.

Starting With OpenCV-1 🔥😎

 Analytics Vidhya

OpenCV is a cross-platform library using which we can develop real-time computer vision applications. It mainly focuses on image processing, video capture, and analysis, including face detection and…

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Get Started with OpenCV

 Level Up Coding

We will give a walk-through example of how we can blend images using Python OpenCV. Below we represent the target and the filter images. We will show how you can apply image processing with OpenCV in…...

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Getting started with OpenCV

 Analytics Vidhya

In this Blog, I will be writing a brief introduction on OpenCV, where it can be used, how to get started with OpenCV, different operations on image with it etc. I’ll also be sharing link to my…

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Getting Started with OpenCV

 Towards Data Science

A while back, I trained an object detection model for a college project, but honestly, I don’t remember much about it besides the fact it required lots of Redbulls and long nights watching my model…

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What is OpenCV and Why is it so popular?

 Analytics Vidhya

OpenCV is a library of Programming functions which are used in real-time Computer Vision. It also supports Deep Learning Frameworks.

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Important Libraries of OpenCV


OpenCV is a cross-platform library used to develop real time computer vision applications. OpenCV mainly focuses upon Image Porcessing, Video Capturing and analysis including Face detection and Object...

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5 Essential Functions — OpenCV — 2021

 Analytics Vidhya

Probably you will be directed to this story from the part-1 of OpenCV. If not I would recommend reading it will give you a better idea. But it is not necessary though.

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OpenCV Tutorial — Introduction and Image Basics

 Analytics Vidhya

This is the start of a new series called “The OpenCV for Beginners”. In this blog post , we will be seeing about the basics of images and how to handle them with cv2 module in python. The access the…

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Introduction to OpenCV

 Analytics Vidhya

By using it, one can process images and videos to identify objects, faces, or even handwriting of a human. OpenCV was initially an Intel research initiative to advise CPU-intensive applications. It…

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Playing with Images using OpenCV

 Analytics Vidhya

In this blog, we’re going to cover some basics of image processing using OpenCV which includes drawing an image, cropping the images and swapping the cropped part and joining two images and create a…

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A quick guide to OpenCV : Read and write Video Files

 Analytics Vidhya

Till now based on Part 1, we have done all the configurations and installation and now our MacBook is ready to play with this amazing library OpenCV. Next step is to write and execute Cpp program…

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Facial filters using OpenCV

 Analytics Vidhya

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision…

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