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Optional Class in Java 8: Making Your Code More Clear and Concise .


The Optional class in Java 8 is a container object which is used to contain a value that might or might not be present. It was introduced as a way to help reduce the number of NullPointerExceptions th...

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Optional class members

 Software Architecture with C plus plus

Achieving coherence in a class state is not always an easy task. For instance, sometimes, you want to have a member or two that can simply not be set. Instead of creating another class for such a case...

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Simplest Possible Class

 Essential Java

class TrivialClass {} A class consists at a minimum of the class keyword, a name, and a body, which might be empty. You instantiate a class with the new operator. TrivialClass tc = new TrivialClass();...

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 Essential Java

Versions [{“Name”:“Java SE 8”,“GroupName”:null},{“Name”:“Java SE 9 (Early Access)”,“GroupName”:null}] Introduction Optional is a container object which may or may not contain a non-null value. If a va...

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Java Optional Is Not So Obvious

 Level Up Coding

Optional can save you from NullPointerException, but it can also bring overcomplexity in your code.

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Difference between Java 8 Optional class orElse and orElseGet methods.


Hello Readers,Java 8 introduces a number of new features like Lambda expressions, Method references, Functional interfaces, Stream API, Default methods, etc to make a developer's life easy. One of the...

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How to use Optional In Java


Understanding of Java 8 Optional Usages. “How to use Optional In Java” is published by Suraj Mishra in Javarevisited.

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Java 8 — Optional — Why and When to Use them?


In Java programming, null values can be a source of frustration and errors. So to address this issue, Java 8 introduced the Optional class, a container object that can either contain a non-null value ...

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What You Might Not Know About Optional


How did you represent absent values before Optional? Yes, you used null. The code would look something like this:

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Optionals are not Optional

 Better Programming

One of the hardest concepts for a programming language (or any language really) to tackle is that of the non-existence of an object. Swift uses the term nil to denote an absence of an object. On the…

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Using Optionals

 Learn Java

Supporting Methods That Cannot Produce a Result We already covered several uses of the Optional class, especially in the case where you are calling a terminal operation on a stream that does not have...

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Optionals are types that deal with scenarios involving the potential presence or absence of a value ( nil ). Syntax In Swift, a non-optional variable should not be set to nil . Rather, the optional ty...

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Java - Null Handling With Optionals


In this article, we are going to cover one of the essential topics of java, null handling, and we are going to do this with Optionals that was introduced in Java 8 and we will be doing that in full de...

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Eliminating NullPointerException: Harnessing the Power of Optional in Java 8


IntroductionNullPointerExceptions (NPEs) have plagued Java developers for years, causing unexpected crashes and bugs in their code. However, with the introduction of Java 8, a powerful feature called ...

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C++: Optional Object that may contain another object

 Towards Data Science

Using first-principles thinking to understand what problems std::optional solves, breaking it down, and building it back up. How std::optional works under the hood.

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4 Reasons Why You Should Use Java Optional — or Not?


The battle was fierce. The developers were exhausted.Arguments were fired both ways. Each side had piles of bodies lying on the ground, burned out or collapsed.Wars were fought over emails, merge requ...

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Null Check vs Optional? Are they same


When this question was asked in an interview, like everyone I answered “Java 8 has introduced this new class Optional in java.util package. By using Optional, we are avoiding null checks and can speci...

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Leveraging std::optional

 Software Architecture with C plus plus

Going back from ABIs to APIs, let's mention one more type that we omitted when we were designing great APIs earlier in this book. The hero of this section can save the day when it comes to optional pa...

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An argument for using Optional as input parameters

 Level Up Coding

This article may be the hardest I wrote so far here. Not because it is really technical nor because it required a lot of research prior, but because it is controversial and I had to be sure that the a...

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Better Null-Handling With Java Optionals

 Better Programming

Until Java 8, there was no better way to handle null references than checking your variables at every turn. The new class java.util.Optional<T changed that significantly. Programming languages are…

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Clean Classes

 Better Programming

The Clean Code series has been going really well! We’ve looked at how to write lines and blocks of code, how to write functions, and how to make the modular. All these blocks of code combine together…...

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Imitating Kotlin With Java Optional

 Better Programming

From Java to Kotlin The usage of java.util.Optional is somewhat of a bike shed conversation. It’s been written about extensively and opinions vary. Starting with the assumption that you want to move ...

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Optionals in Swift

 Level Up Coding

If you are interested in iOS Development or like to start using Swift then you need to know that you will meet some symbols that you may not meet before, marks like question mark ? or exclamation…

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Python Types: Optional Can Mean Mandatory

 Towards Data Science

According to the Python documentation , typing.Optional is a handy way to indicate that an object can be None . It’s a concise and elegant way to express this concept, but is it also crystal clear? Le...

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