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The What, Why, And When of Data Orchestration

 Analytics Vidhya

When most people hear the word orchestration, they envision an orchestra playing a symphony. At the front of every orchestra stands a conductor with his waving arms who prompts all the instruments in…...

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Orchestration and choreography

 ByteByteGo Newsletter

How do microservices collaborate and interact with each other? There are two ways: orchestration and choreography The diagram below illustrates the collaboration of microservices. Choreography is like...

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You don’t need an orchestrator

 Towards Data Science

The technological landscape around data orchestrator tools is full of great software: Airflow, Dagster, Nifi, etc... . Still, AWS, GCP, or Azure features are worth the look.

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What Should a Data Orchestration Tool Do

 Better Programming

One of the battles in the data domain is data orchestration and what’s the best tool for it. You hear about tool X and how it is dead, doomed to be replaced by this new open source tooling. Or you hea...

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The Order of Musical Things

 Towards Data Science

The first Pitchfork article I remember reading was David Cross’s send-up, Albums to Listen to While Reading Overwrought Pitchfork Reviews, which mocked the site’s polysyllabic guitar shredding, a…

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Orchestration-based sagas

 Software Architecture with C plus plus

In this case, we'll need a message broker to handle communication between our services, and an orchestrator that would coordinate the saga. Our order service would send a request to the orchestrator, ...

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Making an Orchestrator From Scratch With Rust

 Better Programming

Building a way to handle queries and searches in multiple servers while also being able to turn the servers on In the context of microservices, an orchestrator is the brain of the system, which distr...

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Orchestrating Large and Small Projects With Apache Airflow | Real Python Podcast #142

 Real Python

Have you worked on a project that needed an orchestration tool? How do you define the workflow of an entire data pipeline or a messaging system with Python? This week on the show, Calvin Hendryx-Parke...

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Experiment Orchestration From Scratch

 Towards Data Science

Simple sweeps get the job done most of the time, but as modeling problems become more complex it is common to have more complex experiments. You may find yourself needing to experiment with multiple m...

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A Complete Guide to Understanding Data Orchestration

 Towards Data Science

Everything you should know about data orchestration and popular frameworks in 2022 Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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Lessons Learned from Making an AI Opera

 Towards Data Science

Read this before starting your next singing voice synthesis project Hello TDS I can sing an opera. Have you ever wondered what it takes to stage an AI Opera on one of the most prestigious stages of G...

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Workflow Orchestration vs. Data Orchestration — Are Those Different?

 Towards Data Science

Workflow Orchestration vs. Data Orchestration — Are Those Different? Let’s disambiguate the terms to understand workflow orchestration better — with a real-life analogy! Photo by Artem Podrez from Pe...

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Kraken — Flow-based Service Orchestration Framework

 Better Programming

The article is a brief introductory description. Kraken combines the ideas of two other projects — ALF and Octopus, so it might be difficult to understand all the details from the article. I’m focusi...

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AI, Automation, and Music

 Towards Data Science

Everything mentioned below is my opinion and my opinion alone. Don’t agree with me or see something I mentioned differently? Leave a response and let’s talk about it! The music industry is one of the…...

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The building blocks of music

 Towards Data Science

If you’ve ever, as someone that plays an instrument, tried to expand your musical horizons by learning new scales, you might have gotten the impression that, not only are there a gazillion different…

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Audio Data Takes Center Stage

 Towards Data Science

There’s an entire subfield of machine learning devoted to textual data (hello, natural language processing), while visual data has fueled the massive growth of computer vision and image-generation app...

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In Go, composition refers to the structuring of data and behavior by combining multiple smaller types into a single, larger type. Composition in Go is achieved through embedding, which allows a struct...

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Designing Sequence Diagrams for API Orchestration

 Better Programming

Sequence diagrams help visualize what happens when an action occurs — such as when a user presses a button on your app. They are commonly used by technical and business teams to architect solutions…

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 Java Java Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving

Section 14.1 Introduction This chapter is about doing more than one thing at a time. Doing more than one thing at once is commonplace in our everyday lives. For example, let’s say your breakfast today...

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Music Generation using AI and Python in Google Colab

 Level Up Coding

Riffusion is a real-time music generation model that is revolutionizing the world of AI-generated music. Developed as a hobby project by… Continue reading on Level Up Coding

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What is Operations Research?

 Towards Data Science

Operations Research, also called Decision Science or Operations Analysis, is the study of applying mathematics to business questions. As a sub-field of Applied Mathematics, it has a very interesting…

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 Architecture Patterns with Python

Why Do Our Designs Go Wrong? What comes to mind when you hear the word chaos? Perhaps you think of a noisy stock exchange, or your kitchen in the morning—​everything confused and jumbled. When you thi...

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Container Orchestration and Kubernetes — Part 2


Hello everyone. In this article, we are going to see what is Container Orchestration and the famous orchestrators in the market. Then we are going to deep dive into the Kubernetes architecture and fin...

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Ensemble Technique

 Analytics Vidhya

Ensemble basically means create multiple models and then combine them. We trying to utilize multiple models(trained a particular dataset) and finally we will get the output. Actually the principle…

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