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Python Classes

 Python in Plain English

Python for Beginners Series — Part 15 Continue reading on Python in Plain English

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Metaprogramming — Python

 Python in Plain English

Metaprogramming — Python Rose goes wild with California wildrose © Diane Khambu Metaclass is a class whose instances are classes. Just like how ordinary class defines the behavior of certain objects,...

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Factory Pattern & Abstraction in Python

 Analytics Vidhya

Python seems a very interesting language, where everything is on your hand. You can write code that works or write beautiful code with the popular and beloved concepts like SOLID, clean code and…

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The Python Secret

 Python in Plain English

What are metaclasses in Python? Metaclasses in Python are a deeply intriguing and advanced feature that allows for customization of class creation. Understanding metaclasses can be complex, but it is ...

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Imputer Class in Python from Scratch

 Towards Data Science

The main focus of this report on laboratory work is demonstrating the understanding of object-oriented programming principles and how to apply them. Every step of the implementation is explained; it…

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Class Instances in Python

 Towards Data Science

Customizing how class instances are represented is a good way to simplify debugging and instance output. In this post, we will discuss how defining ‘__repr__’ and ‘__str__’ methods allows us to…

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Python Object and Class

 Analytics Vidhya

As we know python is a multi-lingual programming language (which means it supports different programming approaches). In this article we will see what are objects and classes and how are they…

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How to Create Abstract Base Classes in Python

 Python in Plain English

A beginner’s guide to creating abstract base classes in Python. Continue reading on Python in Plain English

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Advanced Python Programming: Part 2

 Python in Plain English

Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash We will be continuing with our series to learn advanced programming in Python, this is the second part of the series, if you haven't read the first part yet, plea...

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Python Basics Study Module

 Python in Plain English

This study guide goes over basic Python concepts such as variables, strings, operators, typecasting, slicing, functions, and more! I have created a module to study some important topics regarding the...

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Classes in Python

 Towards Data Science

Classes allow us to organize data and functions in a way that makes them easy to reuse and extend in the future. In this post, we will discuss the basics of building classes in python. To start…

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Basic of Python — 2 : Classes

 Analytics Vidhya

In previous article we have seen some basic of Python, so you can start learning it by yourself. Today, we will learn about Classes and its members, like constructor, class variable, local variable…

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Make Your Python Code Fluent

 Towards Data Science

Overloading in Python allows us to define functions and operators that behave in different ways depending on parameters or operands used. As an example, we can use “+” operator to do arithmetic…

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Python Metaclasses: Everything is an Object

 Real Python

n Python, everything is an object, even the classes that create objects. You used a class to instantiate an object instance, but classes themselves are also instantiated behind the scenes. This mechan...

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The Unreasonable Effectiveness Of Comprehensions In Python

 Towards Data Science

What comprehensions are in Python, and why they are so useful Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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An Underrated Technique to Define More Elegant Python Classes

 Daily Dose of Data Science

Subscribe for free to learn something new and insightful about Python and Data Science every day. Also, get a Free Data Science PDF (550+ pages) with 320+ tips. A Python class always defines some meth...

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Exploring Advanced Python Concepts: Decorators, ABCs, and More

 Python in Plain English

In this blog post, we will explore a selection advanced Python concepts that every developer should know. Continue reading on Python in Plain English

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Advanced Python Concepts

 Python in Plain English

A deep dive into more advanced topics such as decorators, generators, and metaclasses. Introduction Python has a reputation for being easy to learn and use. This reputation is deserved, but that does...

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__str__ VS __repr__ in Python OOP

 Python in Plain English

If you’ve worked with OOP in Python for a while, chances are that you’ve heard of the __str__ magic method. However, __repr__ is another… Continue reading on Python in Plain English

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Unlocking the Power of Python: Creating Instances from Classes

 Python in Plain English

Master the Art of Object-Oriented Programming and Supercharge Your Python Skills Continue reading on Python in Plain English

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Inheritance in Python: Object Oriented Programming

 Real Python

Learn how inheritance works in Python. Click here to learn more:

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Python Object and Classes


Creating object and classes Python is an object-oriented language. In python everything is object i.e int, str, bool even modules, functions are al…

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Pythonic MetaProgramming With MetaClasses

 Towards Data Science

Metaprogramming is the construction of code to manipulate code and can allow for some pretty interesting and expressive results in syntax. Metaprogramming is not a concept that is typically…

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Understanding Python’s Magic Methods

 Python in Plain English

Python’s magic methods, often referred to as dunder (double underscore) methods, play a pivotal role in customizing the behavior of user-defined classes. These special methods allow objects to emulate...

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