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Residual Connections

Residual connections, also known as skip connections, are a crucial architectural feature in deep learning, particularly in neural networks like ResNets. They allow the input of a layer to bypass one or more layers and be added directly to the output of a later layer. This mechanism helps to mitigate issues such as vanishing and exploding gradients, which can hinder the training of deep networks.

The primary function of residual connections is to facilitate the learning of residual functions, which are often easier to optimize than the original functions. For instance, if a function is difficult to learn, its residual can be defined as the difference between the desired output and the input, making it simpler for the network to learn the necessary transformations. This approach leads to improved convergence during training, even in very deep networks, as it effectively creates multiple paths for gradient flow 12.

Moreover, residual connections can enhance the model’s ability to generalize by introducing a form of implicit regularization, which can help combat overfitting 2.

What is Residual Connection?

 Towards Data Science

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Residual Networks (ResNets)

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 Towards AI

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 Python in Plain English

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