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Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture is a software design pattern where applications are hosted by third-party services, allowing developers to avoid managing server software and hardware. This model, also known as Function as a Service (FaaS), operates in isolated environments managed entirely by cloud providers. Serverless applications run in stateless compute containers that can be triggered by various events, such as HTTP calls or database triggers 1.

One of the main advantages of serverless architecture is cost efficiency. Developers are charged based on the time and memory used to run their code, which can lead to significant savings. Additionally, scalability is handled by the cloud provider, relieving developers from the complexities of scaling services during increased load. This architecture also enhances team efficiency, as developers can focus on business logic rather than infrastructure management 1.

However, there are drawbacks. Performance can suffer when serverless functions are not used frequently, as the cloud provider may spin down the containers, leading to longer response times. There are also resource limits, such as maximum computing power and memory, which can make serverless unsuitable for compute-intensive workloads 1.

A First Look at Serverless Architecture: The Why, The What, and The How

 Better Programming

I recently came across serverless architecture and at first sight, it looked like a one-stop solution for all my infrastructure problems. But with more time spent reading about its reason for…

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The Serverless Framework —  Streamlined

 Level Up Coding

How I’ve eliminated the pain points I’ve had over the years with the Serverless Framework for my Typescript applications deployed on AWS.

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Serverless Architecture Layers 🚀

 Level Up Coding

In enterprise architecture in the Serverless World it is imperative that we think conceptually and holistically about our overall solutions as a set of patterns, templates and guardrails to ensure…

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The Solution Architect’s Guide to Serverless

 Better Programming

You’ve undoubtedly heard about serverless and read about the benefits. But implementing serverless into your app doesn’t have to be all or nothing. For years I’ve been proud to say I build 100% serve...

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The Myths and Misconceptions About Serverless

 Better Programming

The demand for serverless computing solutions is growing. But before we go any further, let’s try to explain what this relatively new phenomenon is. The name serverless is pretty contradictory. No…

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A Brief Introduction to Serverless Computing

 Towards Data Science

Over the last decade or two, cloud computing has come to dominate many of the skills and processes needed to develop ‘modern’ software. This is increasingly true for adjacent fields too, including…

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 Full Stack Python

Serverless is an deployment architecture where servers are not explicitly provisioned and code is run based on pre-defined events.

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Do you know everything about Serverless Architecture?


Hello everyone. In this article, we will look at FaaS (Function as a Service) Then we will explore the various serverless offerings in AWS, and then we will see the use cases, benefits, and drawbacks ...

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Part-4 Serverless

 Analytics Vidhya

We discussed several things in part 1, 2 and 3 of this series. How to make cognito user pools, Lambda functions to interact with these user pools, executing these lambda function behind API gateway…

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Serverless Architecture with Spring Cloud Function: An Introduction and Practical Implementation


Hello guys, if you are not living under the rock then I am sure you have heard about the term Serverless. Yes, its the next popular term along with Microservices and Cloud Computing.Serverless archite...

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Running Serverless Applications in the Cloud — A Tutorial

 Towards Data Science

Why serverless? And how? A practical dive into AWS ECS. Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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What is Serverless Architecture and What does it Mean?


What is Serverless Architecture and What does it Mean? Everyone’s talking about serverless computing, serverless architecture. Especially, in the past few months… So, what exactly is Serverless archit...

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