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It seems like you are looking for information about SymPy. SymPy is an open-source Python library designed for symbolic mathematics. It allows users to perform algebraic computations, manipulate mathematical symbols, and solve equations symbolically. This makes it a powerful tool for both mathematicians and programmers who need to work with mathematical expressions in a more intuitive way.

You can use SymPy for various tasks, including simplifying, rearranging, factoring, and expanding algebraic expressions. It also supports solving different types of equations, such as linear, polynomial, and differential equations. Additionally, SymPy can perform calculus operations like differentiation and integration, and it can generate LaTeX output for mathematical expressions, which is useful for documentation and presentation purposes 123.

To get started with SymPy, you can install it using pip with the command pip install sympy. Once installed, you can import it into your Python environment and begin defining symbols and performing computations 4.

1.1 Introduction to SymPy

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