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How Exactly UMAP Works

 Towards Data Science

This is the twelfth post in the column Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences where I try to cover analytical techniques common for Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Genetics etc…

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How to Program UMAP from Scratch

 Towards Data Science

This is the thirteenth article of my column Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences where I try to explain some mysterious analytical techniques used in Bioinformatics…

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UMAP for Data Integration

 Towards Data Science

This is the twentieth article from the column Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences where I try to explain some mysterious analytical techniques used in Bioinformatics and…

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Why UMAP is Superior over tSNE

 Towards Data Science

This is the fourteenth post from the Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences column, where I try to explain in a simple way some mysterious analytical techniques used in…

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On the Validating UMAP Embeddings

 Towards Data Science

There is not a large body of practical work on validating Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP). In this blog post, I will show you a real example, in hopes to provide an additional…

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How to Analyze 100-Dimensional Data with UMAP in Breathtakingly Beautiful Ways

 Towards Data Science

Learn to reduce dimensionality and visualize 100-dimensional datasets with UMAP by creating point clouds and connectivity plots and really "see" your data.

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UMAP Variance Explained

 Towards Data Science

A simple way to interpret UMAP components Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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Integrating Omics using UMAP and Clustering

 Towards Data Science

Life science is driven by data these days. You may have heard the words genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, even if you are not a biologist or medical researcher. The omics are scientific…

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UMAP Dimensionality Reduction — An Incredibly Robust Machine Learning Algorithm

 Towards Data Science

How does Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) work, and how to use it in Python

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PU Learning

 Towards Data Science

A challenge that keeps presenting itself at work is one of not having a labelled negative class in the context of needing to train a binary classifier. Typically, the issue is paired with horribly…

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tSNE vs. UMAP: Global Structure

 Towards Data Science

This is the fifteenth article from the column Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences where I try to explain some mysterious analytical techniques used in Bioinformatics and…

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Umlizer lives!

 Daniel Roy Greenfeld Blog

Umlizer lives! June 15, 2008 This was originally posted on blogger here . Still is an early alpha release but nevertheless it lives! At this moment it currently handles all the formats I want for vers...

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 Towards Data Science

Vision is one of the most important senses humans possess. But have you ever wondered about the complexity of the task? The ability to capture the reflected light rays and get meaning out of it is a…

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Artificial Intelligence and the UNDP

 Towards Data Science

I have commented before that the topic of AI Safety should be equally as much about ensuring the field of artificial intelligence is working for important goals such as climate change or reducing…

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UMAP and K-Means to Classify Characters [League of Legends]

 Towards Data Science

Using Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering Algorithms to segment League of Legends “Champions” into Classes. As of today (October 2020) there are 151 “Champions” (playable characters) in the…

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 Software Architecture with C plus plus

The next step after documenting the web service interfaces is service discovery, which allows applications to find and connect to the services implemented by other parties. Universal Description, Disc...

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U-net engineering.

 Analytics Vidhya

CNN U-net engineering using Tensorflow Tensorboard and TPE Hyper-Parameter Optimization. Adding a custom layer to increase CNN predictive capacity. All code is available in this tiny project…

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Uniswap Smart Contract Breakdown (Part 2)

 Better Programming

Explaining its functionality by grouping lines of code This is Part 2 of the Uniswap Smart Contract Breakdown. In Part 1, we covered: * How Uniswap works at a high level * How Uniswap code is organiz...

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What’s New in Uniswap v3?

 Level Up Coding

How concentrated liquidity and multiple fee tiers in Uniswap v3 transforms automated market makers and the future of decentralized exchanges. Uniswap is undoubtedly one of the most important DeFi…

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User-Centered Design (UCD)


User-centered design (UCD) is a design methodology consisting of an iterative process that puts users at the center of product development and involves them in the design from the beginning. UCD proce...

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U-NET Architecture Explained and Implementation

 Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine

One of the biggest challenges in the world of Computer Vision is Image Segmentation. We have played around with Image classification a lot in fact when we hear of Computer Vision applications we…

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Why Uniswap Clone Development is a Lucrative Business Opportunity


The boom of the decentralized finance (DeFi) industry has led to the creation of numerous decentralized exchanges (DEXs), with Uniswap being one of the most popular and successful ones. Uniswap’s uniq...

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Simple examples of pmap() from {purrr}


Introduction The pmap() function in R is part of the purrr library, which is a package designed to make it easier to work with functions that operate on vectors, lists, and other types of data structu...

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Uniswap vs Uniswap Clones: Which One is Right for You?


Deciding which decentralized exchange (DEX) to use can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. Uniswap is one of the most popular DEXs on the market, but there are also many Uni...

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