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Web Application Security

 Full Stack Python

Web applications can be attacked many ways by malicious actors. Learn more on Full Stack Python.

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How to secure your web service

 Pete Warden's blog

Photo by Karl Randay If you're including third-party content in your web pages, you can't stop a determined attacker. Browsers weren't designed with that scenario in mind, so by default any HTML you p...

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How to Protect a Website From Threats

 Level Up Coding

The main benefit of reading this article is that you will learn how to use commercial-grade encryption, prevent sensitive information leakage, and protect your customers, website, and web server from…...

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Five short links – Security edition

 Pete Warden's blog

Photo by Darwin Bell Now I'm looking at handling more sensitive customer data I have an obligation to do everything I can to secure my server and code. Here's five resources I've found helpful: Nikto ...

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OWASP: Introduction to Web Application Security

 Level Up Coding

OWASP | Security | Django| Web Development

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6 Ways to Improve Your Web App’s Security Now

 Level Up Coding

Technology agnostic mitigations for XSS, CSRF, RFD, CORS web app vulnerabilities based on the OWASP Top 10.

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Security for Drupal and related server software

 Level Up Coding

Drupal is an open-source content management system with a quite complex architecture. It also has a strong security model. Thanks to the big community of developers there is a lot of informative…

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9 Security Implications to Consider Before Deploying a Web App

 Better Programming

Security checklist to protect web applications and Restful services against the most common attacks based on OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks

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6 Steps to Build Secure Web Applications

 Level Up Coding

A high-level guide to getting security right for non-experts Photo by John Salvino on Unsplash Working as an independent sees me moving from project-to-project more often than folks with steady work ...

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10 security tips for frontend developers

 Level Up Coding

Web security is a topic that is often overlooked by frontend developers. When we assess the quality of the website, we often look at metrics like performance, SEO-friendliness, and accessibility…

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How to design a secure web API access for your website?

 ByteByteGo Newsletter

How to design secure web API access for your website? When we open web API access to users, we need to make sure each API call is authenticated. This means the user must be who they claim to be. In th...

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Advanced Security - Intro

 FastAPI Documentation

Advanced Security - Intro Additional Features There are some extra features to handle security apart from the ones covered in the Tutorial - User Guide: Security . Tip The next sections are not neces...

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Learn how to implement smart Authentication Redirects on your website

 Level Up Coding

2. Restrict the user from accessing authentication-related pages like login, register, forgot password, etc… if they’re logged in.

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Security Practices In Coding

 Level Up Coding

Let us start with the villains of the coding world — SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). Imagine you have crafted an SQL query to fetch user data. Now, imagine a malicious user slipping in s...

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Adding Security to Your Code

 Towards Data Science

A phrase I often hear is “security is everyone’s responsibility” but I notice that data scientists are frequently so focused on the vast number of skills that they need to know, that security goes…

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Web3 is our opportunity for a better and safer Internet — Evolution of Web

 Level Up Coding

The web as we use it today results from its evolution over so many years, just like “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, so was the internet. Most people tend to divide this evolution into 3 stages — Web…

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Java for Web Application Development: Here’s Everything You Need to Know


We have stepped into the modern world, and the world wide web is a central part of it. With every space getting digitized, the internet has become one of the necessities.Websites and web pages are one...

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Security in Django

 Django documentation

This document is an overview of Django’s security features. It includes advice on securing a Django-powered site. Cross site scripting (XSS) protection XSS attacks allow a user to inject client side s...

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Hacking the Web With SQL Injections

 Better Programming

Focus on SQL Injections, PHP, and the Diwa Project Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash I always wanted to be a hacker. For 6 years, I have written applications in Php, JavaScript, and Python. D...

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Authenticating HTTP Requests in Modern Web Apps

 Level Up Coding

Ensuring a user is authenticated is an essential part of creating a modern web application. Today, we’ll be looking at a common approach using JWT access and refresh tokens with Axios.

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21 Best Practices for Handling Passwords in Web Applications

 Better Programming

Passwords are like keys to your system. So, If you are a sincere web developer, it’s your responsibility to ensure its strength! Today we will talk about some best practices to follow regarding…

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Integrate security testing into your development cycle with Foundry and Diligence Fuzzing

 Level Up Coding

Security continues to be one of the most important aspects of web3. Continue reading on Level Up Coding

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How to write secure PHP code

 Level Up Coding

Writing secure PHP code is crucial for protecting your websites and applications from malicious attacks. Here are some essential practices… Continue reading on Level Up Coding

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9 Secure Code Review Best Practices For Your Web Application

 Towards Data Science

Due to rising customer demands and rapid, feature-driven development, security often takes the backseat and vulnerabilities are introduced and oftentimes go undetected. A secure code review helps…

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