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Beta Distributions

 Towards Data Science

Somehow, in years of schooling, I’d never heard of beta distributions until I stumbled onto them on accident over at David Robinson’s blog, but they’ve quickly become one of my favorite…

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Beta Distribution Simply Explained

 Towards Data Science

A concise and easy explanation of the Beta distribution. Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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Once again, Beta Distribution

 Analytics Vidhya

Long time ago I’ve been asked a question “Why is Beta distribution used in Bayes theorem” at an interview for Data Analyst position. At that time I’ve never heard of Beta Distribution therefore I…

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Beta Distribution — Intuition, Examples, and Derivation

 Towards Data Science

The Beta distribution is a probability distribution on probabilities. For example, we can use it to model the probabilities: the Click-Through Rate of your advertisement, the conversion rate of…

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Beta Distributions: A Cornerstone of Bayesian Calibration

 Towards Data Science

Hi there! Distributions may not seem like a complex concept at first glance, but they are incredibly powerful and fundamental in the world of data analysis and statistics. Think about it this way: if ...

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Visualizing Beta Distribution and Bayesian Updating

 Towards Data Science

Beta distribution is one of the more esoteric distributions compared to Bernoulli, Binomial and Geometric distributions. This post supplements intuitive understanding with visual learning.

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The Three B’s — Bernoulli, Binomial and Beta Distributions

 Level Up Coding

Three common statistical distributions that every engineer should understand. Continue reading on Level Up Coding

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How the Beta distribution connects sorting and tossing coins

 Towards Data Science

Say you have a coin and know nothing about the probability of heads. It’s reasonable to assume it’s distributed uniform between 0 and 1 (no reason to prefer any probability over any other since we…

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Probability Distribution

 Towards Data Science

I’m a data scientist for a mobile application. As a data scientist, you will often draw a random sample from the population to conduct experiments or analyses. With the random sample, you make…

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Distribution of a single variable

 Analytics Vidhya

It is customary to refer to the raw numbers as data and the output of data analysis as information. You start with the data, and you hope to end with information that an organization can use for…

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Gamma Distribution Simply Explained

 Towards Data Science

An explanation of the Gamma Distribution and its origins Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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Gamma Distribution — Intuition, Derivation, and Examples

 Towards Data Science

Before setting Gamma’s two parameters α, β and plugging them into the formula, let’s pause for a moment and ask a few questions… The exponential distribution predicts the wait time until the *very…

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Behind the Models: Beta, Dirichlet, and GEM Distributions

 Towards Data Science

In a future post I want to cover non-parametric Bayesian models — these models are infinite-dimensional and allow for expansive online learning. But first I want to cover some of the building blocks…

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The Gamma Distribution and Its Applications in the Mobile App Industry

 Analytics Vidhya

Hello everyone! Today we are going to review the Gamma distribution from the Mobile App industry perspective. I used this distribution for the first time when I built my first Life Time Value model…

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Simplified Student’s T-Distribution

 Towards Data Science

Data is everywhere. What we need is to go to the core of the data by crunching it and make it work for us by pulling out what is hidden inside. Data analysts, scientists and engineers are the…

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The Bernoulli and Binomial Distributions

 Analytics Vidhya

The probability for a discrete random variable can be summarized with a discrete probability distribution. A discrete random variable is a random variable that can have one of a finite set of…

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Exponential Distribution Simply Explained

 Towards Data Science

A succinct explanation of the Exponential Distribution and its origins. Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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Chapter 5  Modeling distributions

 Think Stats

The distributions we have used so far are called empirical distributions because they are based on empirical observations, which are necessarily finite samples. The alternative is an analytic distribu...

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Dirichlet distribution

 Towards Data Science

A few months ago, I built a recommender system that employed topic modelling to display relevant tasks to employees. The algorithm used was Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a generative model that…

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Statistical Distributions

 Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine

The normal distribution is the most important probability distribution in statistics because it fits many natural phenomena. In this article we will cover some distributions that I have found useful…

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Statistics 101- Part 2- Probability Distributions, Types, and Applications

 Towards AI

Definition of the probability distribution, different types of distributions, their explanation, and applications Photo by Naser Tamimi on Unsplash This article is in continuation of Statistics 101-P...

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Fitting a Distribution to Data in R


Introduction The gamma distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is often used to model waiting times or other positively skewed data. It is a two-parameter distribution, where the sh...

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Different Probability Distributions Part 2

 Towards AI

Now we will see the Continuous variable distributions whereas in part 1 we saw the discrete distributions. In continuous distributions the point probability is equal to “0” and some of the…

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Important Points About Binomial Distribution with Implementation

 Python in Plain English

Part 5: Statistics Series Hello, welcome back to the statistics series. I know this is the statistics series for data science and I am talking about a probability distribution, which may sound odd to ...

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