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data binning

Data binning, also known as bucketing or discretization, is a preprocessing technique used to group continuous data into discrete intervals called “bins” or “buckets.” This method helps in simplifying the data analysis process by reducing the number of distinct values, which can enhance the performance of predictive models and make the data easier to interpret.

There are two primary approaches to data binning: converting numeric data into categorical data and reducing the number of samples through quantization. The first approach involves replacing values within a small interval with a representative value, often the central value of that interval. The second approach, quantization, reduces the number of samples by grouping similar or contiguous values together 14.

Binning can also help mitigate the effects of minor observation errors and improve the accuracy of models. It is particularly useful in scenarios where discretization is needed, such as transforming continuous variables into categorical ones for better analysis 25.

How to Bin Numerical Data with Pandas

 Towards Data Science

Discretise numerical variable with Pandas between, cut, qcut and value counts Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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Is Binning in Data Analysis a Good Idea?

 Python in Plain English

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Feature Engineering: Bayesian Methods for Binning

 Towards Data Science

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Data Preprocessing with Python Pandas — Part 5 Binning

 Towards Data Science

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A Beginner’s Guide to Converting Numerical Data to Categorical: Binning and Binarization

 Towards AI

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 Analytics Vidhya

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Binning for Feature Engineering in Machine Learning

 Towards Data Science

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From Numerical to Categorical

 Towards Data Science

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 Towards Data Science

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 Towards Data Science

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 Towards Data Science

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