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Gradient Descent

 Analytics Vidhya

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Gradient Descent

 Machine Learning Glossary

Gradient Descent Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used to minimize some function by iteratively moving in the direction of steepest descent as defined by the negative of the gradient. In ...

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Gradient Descent

 Dive intro Deep Learning Book

In this section we are going to introduce the basic concepts underlying gradient descent . Although it is rarely used directly in deep learning, an understanding of gradient descent is key to understa...

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Gradient Descent:

 Analytics Vidhya

Gradient Descent is iterative optimization algorithm , which provides new point in each iteration based on its gradient and learning rate that we initialise at the beginning. Gradient is the vector…

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Gradient Descent Algorithm

 Analytics Vidhya

Every machine learning algorithm needs some optimization when it is implemented. This optimization is performed at the core of machine learning algorithms. The Gradient Descent algorithm is one of…

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Understanding Gradient Descent for Machine Learning

 Towards Data Science

A deep dive into Batch, Stochastic, and Mini-Batch Gradient Descent algorithms using Python Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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The Gradient Descent Algorithm

 Towards AI

Image by Anja from Pixabay The What, Why, and Hows of the Gradient Descent Algorithm Author(s): Pratik Shukla “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” — Dorothy Parker The ...

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Gradient Descent Optimization

 Towards AI

Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithms Source: Image by Khan Academy Most deep learning algorithms train by optimizing some kind of objective (or loss) function. We typically try to either maximize...

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Understanding Gradient Descent and breaking down the math behind:

 Analytics Vidhya

Gradient descent is a widely used optimization algorithm used by a range of machine learning algorithms. Machine learning algorithms have cost functions that compute the error (predicted value —…

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Gradient Descent Part 2: The Math

 Analytics Vidhya

In the first part of this article, we saw an intuitive understanding of Gradient Descent and some of the concepts required for mathematical understanding of it. In this article, we are going to dive…

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Breaking it Down: Gradient Descent

 Towards AI

Exploring and visualizing the mathematical fundamentals of gradient descent with Grad-Descent-Visualizer. Outline 1. What is Gradient De...

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Gradient Descent, the Easy Way

 Towards Data Science

Gradient Descent is at the core of all Deep Learning. This article explains in simple details the technicalities of this method. Update: The best way of learning and practicing Reinforcement Learning…...

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Gradient Descent through the mathematical prism

 Analytics Vidhya

A brief mathematical perspective of one of the most widely used optimization problems, gradient descent.

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Gradient Descent Explained

 Towards Data Science

Gradient Descent is an optimizing algorithm used in Machine/ Deep Learning algorithms. Gradient Descent with Momentum and Nesterov Accelerated Gradient Descent are advanced versions of Gradient Descen...

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Understanding the Gradient Descent

 Analytics Vidhya

In the previous article, we have discussed tensors and their operations. Now, in this article, we are going to deal with an optimization algorithm called gradient descent. So if you have missed my…

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Gradient Descent in Machine Learning: Simplified

 Python in Plain English

Machine learning enthusiasts have definitely heard the term “gradient descent”. It is a concept which people learn when they begin with machine learning. In this article, I have tried to explain the…

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Gradient Descent — A Beginners Guide

 Towards Data Science

Recently, during my coursework, I have been left in awe of the advancements in the field of science in general. In just about a decade, we have completely revolutionized the way we look at the…

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A Gentle Introduction To Gradient Descent Procedure

 Machine Learning Mastery

Last Updated on March 16, 2022 Gradient descent procedure is a method that holds paramount importance in machine learning. It is often used for minimizing error functions in classification and regress...

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Descent carefully on a gradient!

 Python in Plain English

In machine learning, gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used to find the values of parameters (θ) of a function (f) that… Continue reading on Python in Plain English

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Gradient Descent — Intro and Implementation in python

 Analytics Vidhya

Gradient Descent is an optimization algorithm in machine learning used to minimize a function by iteratively moving towards the minimum value of the function. We basically use this algorithm when we…

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Machine Learning: How the Gradient Descent Algorithm Works

 Towards AI

Most machine learning algorithms perform predictive modeling by minimizing an objective function, thereby learning the weights that must be applied to the testing data in order to obtain the…

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Understanding Gradient Descent

 Analytics Vidhya

In my previous articles, I have explained about Parameterized learning and basic loss function techniques. In case if you have not read, Do read those for better understanding of Gradient Descent. In…...

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Gradient Descent Algorithm Explained

 Towards AI

Gradient Descent is a machine learning algorithm that operates iteratively to find the optimal values for its parameters. It takes into account, user-defined learning rate, and initial parameter…

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Mathematical Introduction to Gradient Descent Learning Algorithm

 Analytics Vidhya

Gradient Descent is performed by taking small baby steps from randomly initialized points in Loss Function J(w) to eventually reach its minima. We assume that the Loss Function is Convex in nature…

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