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independent&identically distributed

Independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) refers to a collection of random variables that share two key properties: independence and identical distribution. Specifically, each random variable in the collection has the same probability distribution as the others, and they are mutually independent, meaning the outcome of one variable does not affect the others 1.

For example, consider flipping a fair coin multiple times. Each flip is independent of the previous flips, and each flip has the same probability distribution (0.5 for heads and 0.5 for tails). Therefore, the outcomes of the coin flips can be considered i.i.d. 1.

The i.i.d. assumption is crucial in various statistical methods, including machine learning and hypothesis testing, as it simplifies the analysis and modeling of data. However, it is important to note that while the i.i.d. assumption is common, real-world data may not always strictly adhere to it 2.

Independent and Identically Distributed

 Towards Data Science

A collection of random variables is independent and identically distributed if each variable has the same probability distribution as the others and all are independent.

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Intuition for Independent and Identically Distributed

 Towards Data Science

The main purpose of data science generally, and machine learning specifically, is to use the past to predict the future. Beyond the specific assumptions of various statistical models, the inescapable…...

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Different Probability Distributions Part 2

 Towards AI

Now we will see the Continuous variable distributions whereas in part 1 we saw the discrete distributions. In continuous distributions the point probability is equal to “0” and some of the…

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Uncorrelatedness and Independence

 Analytics Vidhya

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Random Variables and Probability Distributions

 Towards Data Science

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Independence, Covariance and Correlation between two Random Variables

 Towards Data Science

In this article, I’ll talk about independence, covariance, and correlation between two random variables.

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Distribution of a single variable

 Analytics Vidhya

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Probability Distribution

 Towards Data Science

I’m a data scientist for a mobile application. As a data scientist, you will often draw a random sample from the population to conduct experiments or analyses. With the random sample, you make…

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Conditional Independence

 Towards AI

The independence that can be realized in the real world When it comes to probability theory we all would have heard of joint distribution, marginal distribution, independence, etc. In this article, I...

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Uncorrelated vs Independent Random Variables— Definitions, Proofs, & Examples

 Towards Data Science

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Statistical independence for beginners

 Towards Data Science

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Random Variable

 Analytics Vidhya

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