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Use Python to Find the InterQuartile Range of a Dataset

 Python in Plain English

A tutorial on finding the interquartile range of a dataset using Python. Continue reading on Python in Plain English

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Quintic Polynomial Roots-With ‘OSOS’ Quads and a Tricky Cubic

 Towards AI

A tool-kit for finding Quintic Polynomial roots starting with ‘OSOS’ Quadratics Continue reading on Towards AI

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Quartic Roots-Using Adapted Genetic Quadratics

 Towards AI

Member-only story Quartic Roots-Using Adapted Genetic Quadratics Designing Quartics-Simpler With Genetic Quadratics Greg Oliver · Follow Published in Towards AI · 5 min read · Just now -- Share In pre...

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An application of the resultant


I will soon release an update of qspray on CRAN as well as a new package: resultant. This post shows an application of these two packages. Consider the two algebraic curves (f(x,y)=... Continue readin...

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Quartic Polynomial Roots - With Quadratic Math and SOSO

 Towards AI

Quartic Root Approximations using 2 Quadratics and SOSO Continue reading on Towards AI

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Part III - Intermediate Odds and Ends

 Python 101

In Part III, you will learn about some Python internals that many would consider intermediate-level Python. You have graduated from the milk and you’re ready for some meat! In this section, we will t...

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Q-Q plot

 Analytics Vidhya

Q-Q plot is a graphical method which is used to check whether two different sets of data are related to same theoretical distributions are not . Here one of two sets of data is generated by us…

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Polynomial Interpolation

 Towards Data Science

Learn everything about Polynomial Interpolation: from Lagrange & Newton Polynomial Interpolation to Cubic Splines. Python examples. Joos Korstanje | Medium

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Interpolation (

 SciPy User Guide

Interpolation ( scipy.interpolate ) There are several general facilities available in SciPy for interpolation and smoothing for data in 1, 2, and higher dimensions. The choice of a specific interpolat...

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 PyTorch documentation

Dequantize stub module, before calibration, this is same as identity, this will be swapped as nnq.DeQuantize in convert . qconfig – quantization configuration for the tensor, if qconfig is not provide...

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Quartics-Built To Order At Any Address In The X-Y Grid

 Towards AI

Build your own Quartic Polynomials to order at any address in the Grid! Continue reading on Towards AI

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Experimenting with Quarto


Quarto is the up-and-coming “next generation version of R Markdown” being developed by RStudio. It’s more or less a superset of R Markdown/knitr that’s suited to programming languages besides R. Quart...

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Detecting outliers using Box-And-Whisker Diagrams and IQR

 Analytics Vidhya

Many of us would have come across box and whisker plots in primary school mathematics and we learned about Interquartile Range, Q1, Q3, Median and so on. and how to visualise them on the…

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Quartic Roots-Using 2 ‘Big W’ Substitutes

 Towards AI

Quartics With ‘Big W’ Shape Substitutes For Simpler Roots vs Constant E Variations Continue reading on Towards AI

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The Vauquois triangle : Mystery solved

 Towards Data Science

The Vauquois triangle is a classical hierarchical model for visualizing various machine translation approaches. Before we dive into the Vauquois triangle, let’s look at what Machine Translation is…

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Is the Point Inside the Polygon?

 Towards Data Science

A quick and simple algorithm to find whether a point lies inside, on or outside a polygon is very useful in various applications like computer graphics, geographical information systems (GIS), motion…...

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Solving Cubic and Quartic Equations

 Towards Data Science

We all learn how to solve quadratic equations in high-school. Quadratic equations are second-order polynomial equations involving only one variable. However, the problems of solving cubic and quartic…...

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IOU(Intersection over Union)

 Analytics Vidhya

Let us assume that box 1 is represented by [x1, y1, x2, y2], and box 2 is represented by [x3, y3, x4, y4]. (We will use this convention later to calculate the areas.)

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Academicons: my first quarto extension


I have been following the development of quarto for a while now and I am pretty excited about it. Not only its features but also its rich and detailed documentation will make me transition from Rmarkd...

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— Rational numbers

 The Python Standard Library

fractions — Rational numbers Source code: Lib/ The fractions module provides support for rational number arithmetic. A Fraction instance can be constructed from a pair of integers, from a...

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Cubic Polynomial Roots — With Big Dipper Substitutes

 Towards AI

Substituting Cubics With Their Genetic Infrastructure To Find Roots Continue reading on Towards AI

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An interface in C is a contract that defines a set of methods, properties, events, and indexers that a class or struct must implement. Interfaces cannot be instantiated directly, but they can be imple...

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An interface is composed of set of method signatures. These method signatures define the input and return values of which a data type or struct can conform to. In order to implement an interface, the ...

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A bonsai and an ellipse

 Towards Data Science

I recently had to dive into the details of identifying ellipses in images. I must confess that I naively thought it would be straightforward. In various computer vision projects I worked on, I had to…...

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