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In HTML, tags are commonly defined as a set of characters constituting a formatted command for a web page. They are used for making elements for the web page’s markup. During the early days of the Wor...

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The tag command creates, lists, deletes, or verifies a commit marker with a GnuPG tag object attached. This helps add some semantic meaning to a commit message. Syntax The <flags include the following...

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Our Tags

 Towards Data Science

Our most frequently used tags are listed below. If you’d like to search for a particular tag, you can do that by going to[tag] and replacing [tag] with the term…

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Tag Predictor

 Analytics Vidhya

If you are developer then this problem statement will excite you. As I am a android developer and machine learning enthusiast, I always search some of functions which i forgot and stack overflow will…...

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A Graph of Medium’s Tags

 Towards Data Science

As described in a previous post, I collected data on 1,000 of Medium’s most popular stories. Here is a visualization of their most common tags. I took the liberty of mapping synonymous tags to their…

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5 HTML Tags You Might Not Know Were a Thing

 Better Programming

HTML is something without which no web developer can survive. But still, most of us think that HTML is a piece of cake to learn. It’s kind of true. But that doesn’t mean that HTML can’t surprise us…

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The frequency of tags on Stack Overflow

 Towards Data Science

In this post, we’re going to have a look at some data about the tags used on Stack Overflow to label questions, their frequencies and what we can measure around them. For those who are heavy Stack…

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Can you automatically generate good tags?

 Pete Warden's blog

One interesting feature of Disruptor Monkey’s Unifyr is their automatic generation of tags from web pages. Good tags are the basis of a folksonomy, and with them I could do some very useful classifica...

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10 Handy HTML tags I’ll use more often…

 Better Programming

HTML is a fairly simple language made up of elements. One of its main jobs is giving text meaning so that your browser knows how to display it correctly, as well as helping search engines understand…

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Stack Overflow Tag Prediction

 Analytics Vidhya

If you are a software engineer or a programmer you must have used StackOverflow at least once in your lifetime. But have you ever wondered how StackOverflow predicts the tags for a given question …

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Movie Tag Prediction

 Analytics Vidhya

No, but if you provide a summary of the movie there then we can build a machine learning model to predict genre for that movie, oh really? then how to do that? Summary of a movie can be valuable for…

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TagOverflow — Correlating Tags in Stackoverflow

 Towards Data Science

Update: Piotr Migdal reached out to me, noting that he did a similar project under the same name already in 2015. I was not aware of this. The similarity in names incidental we just chose that…

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Part Of Speech Tagging for Beginners

 Towards Data Science

Part-of-speech (POS) tagging is a popular Natural Language Processing process which refers to categorizing words in a text (corpus) in correspondence with a particular part of speech, depending on…

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Movie Tag(s) Prediction Using Machine Learning Models.

 Analytics Vidhya

Predicting Tags for movies helps us to find out information like the genre, plot structure, metadata, and emotional experiences of the Movies. That information can be useful in building automated…

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Tagging Documents Based on Important Words

 Towards Data Science

It’s Day 3 of my 30 Day Writing Challenge, attempting to learn data mining techniques before I start a new job building a machine learning team. Yesterday we dived into the tf-idf algorithm for…

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Descriptive Image Tag Suggestion In a Streamlit App

 Analytics Vidhya

We will build a system that can do automatic tag suggestions for images using a vision model. It means that having an image as input, it will predict ranked list of labels that describe this image…

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5 Useful HTML Tags and Attributes You Didn’t Know About

 Better Programming

Find out these 5 useful HTML tags that haven't been popular in the past for some reason. I'm sure you love these cool tips and tricks.

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Using Taggit for Tag management in Django

 Python in Plain English

Install packages Create project Register the app ( First, we need to register the app and taggit package. Model The model is simple — just a label, but what’s more important we need to att...

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Semantic Tagging: Create Meaningful Tags for your Text Data

 Towards AI

Fine-tuning Large Language Models with Identity Preference Optimization to enhance the semantic alignment of textual tags. Photo by Angèle Kamp on Unsplash Introduction Textual information can be fou...

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Machine Learning : Multi-Label Classification : MPST : Movie Plot Synopses with Tags : Tags…

 Analytics Vidhya

Abstract social tagging of movies reveals a wide range of heterogeneous information about movies, like the genre, plot structure, soundtracks, metadata, visual and emotional experiences. Such…

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Auto Tagging Stack Overflow Questions

 Towards Data Science

One of the most interesting applications of NLP is automatically infer and tag the topic of a question. In this post, we’ll start from exploratory analysis of Stack Overflow questions and answers…

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The 9 Meta Tags to Use to Increase Traffic to Your Website

 Level Up Coding

As we all know, visitor traffic is a huge concern for anyone building a website. The amount of traffic can directly influence the revenue a website can generate from monetization. Thus, everyone…

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Complete HTML 5 Tags Cheat Sheet

 Analytics Vidhya

Compiled by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). “Complete HTML 5 Tags Cheat Sheet” is published by Sabit Ololade in Analytics Vidhya.

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5. Categorizing and Tagging Words

 Natural Language Processing with Python

Back in elementary school you learnt the difference between nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. These "word classes" are not just the idle invention of grammarians, but are useful categories for ma...

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