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vanishing&exploding gradient problem

The vanishing and exploding gradient problems are significant challenges encountered when training deep neural networks.

The vanishing gradient problem occurs when gradients become exceedingly small as they are propagated back through the layers of the network. This often happens with activation functions like sigmoid or tanh, where the derivatives are less than one. As a result, the weights of the lower layers change very little during training, making it difficult for the network to learn effectively 24. This issue is particularly pronounced in deep networks, where the cumulative effect of small gradients can lead to negligible updates.

On the other hand, the exploding gradient problem arises when gradients grow excessively large during backpropagation. This can lead to drastic updates to the weights, causing the model to diverge rather than converge during training. This issue is often observed in recurrent neural networks, where the gradients can accumulate exponentially 34.

To mitigate these problems, various strategies can be employed, such as using different activation functions (like ReLU), implementing LSTM networks, or employing techniques like gradient clipping 34.

Exploding And Vanishing Gradient Problem: Math Behind The Truth

 Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine

Hello Stardust! Today we’ll see mathematical reason behind exploding and vanishing gradient problem but first let’s understand the problem in a nutshell. “Usually, when we train a Deep model using…

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Vanishing and Exploding Gradients

 Level Up Coding

In this blog, I will explain how a sigmoid activation can have both vanishing and exploding gradient problem. Vanishing and exploding gradients are one of the biggest problems that the neural network…...

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Vanishing and Exploding Gradient Problems

 Analytics Vidhya

One of the problems with training very deep neural network is that are vanishing and exploding gradients. (i.e When training a very deep neural network, sometimes derivatives becomes very very small…

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 Towards Data Science

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The Vanishing Gradient Problem

 Towards Data Science

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 Towards Data Science

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How to Fix the Vanishing Gradients Problem Using the ReLU

 Machine Learning Mastery

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 Analytics Vidhya

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 Towards Data Science

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 Towards Data Science

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 Machine Learning Mastery

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